Victor Seet

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Discover Your Cutting Edge - Young Adults Experiential Workshop

Organized by Metropolitan YMCA Singapore and sponsored by Hong Kong Land, I had the privilege to facilitate a youth and young adults career workshop with the theme on mental well-being.

Participants were 21-30 years old.

Using the ontological approach, I designed the workshop around the idea of building Self-Confidence and covered 2 key components:
1. Knowing Your Cutting Edge

2. Expanding your capacity for discomfort.

I contextualised the applications towards career development and there were lots of great questions and engagement. There were an experiential experience designed to help the young adults understand how they behave in discomfort. That was the highlight and I’m glad that many walked away understanding what it takes to build self-confidence.

Victor Seet • World & Singapore's 1st Gold Awarded Gallup CliftonStrengths Coach • Newfield Certified Ontological Coach