Singapore CliftonStrengths Communication Illustration

#Singapore #CliftonStrengths #Communication

People strong in the CliftonStrengths Communication theme love to express themselves in ways that catch others’ attention. They can do that verbally or in writing. They strive to express their ideas or feelings into expressions that stick. They use stories, catch phrases, analogies, examples, metaphors and pictures to put across a message. As the drawing suggests, people with Communication are often comfortable being given the microphone and to deliver speeches. Many enjoy using this talent to be the emcee or being a speaker for events. In the infancy or raw stage, those with Communication are often labeled as “talkative or bad listeners”

People with Communication can partner strongly with those having the Empathy theme. People with the Empathy theme enjoy listening to people in order to understand what others are going through. They prefer to listen first before speaking. People with Communication usually do the exact opposite, preferring to talk and share stories to excite and engage others. Effective communication requires both listening and talking and such a partnership can help one another to be sharpened and become better communicators

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Victor Seet • World & Singapore's 1st Gold Awarded Gallup CliftonStrengths Coach • Newfield Certified Ontological Coach • ICF Certified